Thursday, June 19, 2008

An Introduction to The Bride of Christ

In 2005 I was first introduced to a DVD by Ray Vanderlane. In that DVD he talked a little bit about how the traditional Jewish marriage customs help us understand more about communion. Since that time it has sparked a burning interest in this subject that has caused me to dive in books, commentaries, Lexicons, and even in the basement Library of Vanderbilt University. For three years I have studied this subject and have found it to be enlightening It has solidified some theological truths that I seemed to be a bit uncertain about.

It is my hope that this study will be a blessing to you as it has been for me these past three years. I am writing this blog for a few reasons. 1. I feel that it is necessary for this information to be put out there for every one to read. 2. It will help me to gather more insight into the subject as I prepare each blog. 3. It will help me and others to prepare this lesson, so that it can be used in Sunday school or small groups.

As way of Introduction Let me just share with you a few things that I hope will wet your appetite to learn more on this subject.

When I say the Bride of Christ, the first thing that pops in my head is (Rev 19:7).

Rev 19:7 Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.

However I think that many of us never pay it much attention when the bible uses such wordage. However it is interesting to note the amount of times there are references to this bridal imagery. It is also interesting to note the various people who speak of the bridal imagery in the bible. I feel that understanding the amount of references in the bible on this subject helps us to understand the importance it has.

Notice first of all that the bible begins and ends with a marriage. We see in Genesis that God brings Adam his wife, Eve. Notice if you will that it was not Adam that saw the importance of having a help meet but God’s (Gen 2:18). Why is that important? Well not only does it show that God knows our needs before we ask him, and that He Cares for us…but Shows us something else and that is God wanted to bring Adam and Eve together IT WAS HIS DESIGN! That is why no Court has any business determining what marriage should be, it was settled way back in Genesis; One man and One woman!

Also Look at the first Miracle Jesus ever performed. The first miracle Jesus performed was at a wedding in Cana (John 2:1-11). They were at the wedding and all of a sudden the wine was all gone. Jesus’ mother came to Jesus and tells him there is no wine, then tells the servants do whatever Jesus says. Jesus told the servants to fill the water pots with water, and serve it to the governor of the feast. When the Governor tasted it he was amazed that it was the best wine he tasted so far, then he told the bridegroom that the wine was better than the wine they had at first. Now there are many things that we could say about this, however I just want to point out one thing. That is this, Jesus was showing that what he offered was better than anything the world could offer! What a wonderful time it is to get married, to go down the isle and marry our one true love. How much better though will it be to see Jesus! How much better will it be to have fellowship with Him. To see Him with is heavenly host to gather His bride! You see to serve water would have been a great disappointment during this wedding feast, yet it was better than anything else they ever tasted. When Jesus came to earth it was for many Jews a disappointment, they were expecting a King, not a son of a Carpenter from Nazareth. For many people Jesus is a disappointment, they don’t want to follow God’s Word, they want to live how they so choose. However as this Governor found out what would seem to us as a disappointment in reality is the best thing we ever tasted!!

Also look at (Rev 19:1-19), we see that the last book of the bible shows the marriage of Jesus and His Bride the Church. Through out this book we find various parts of the book that speak of this marriage. I do not want to get into these verses right now, however I do want to point out one thing. Where God had joined Adam and Eve together in Genesis. We see in Revelation where God joins the church to the Son. God brings together what once was lost from the time of the fall of man, back in the garden of Eden.

The bible says in Romans 6:23For the wages of sin is death, but the Gift of God is eternal life through Jesus our Lord “ What this means is that since the time of Adam, mankind has been separated from God because Adam disobeyed Gods Word. Since that time all of mankind has been born into sin the bible says “For all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God” “No man is Righteous no not one” This sin results in death, not only physical death that we all must endure, but a spiritual death, totally separated from God in eternal torment in Hell. However God has given us a Gift, the Gift of eternal life, through Jesus Christ. By trusting in Him, that He is able to save you from your sins, because he paid for your sins on the Cross and rose again the third day. You too may receive eternal life. The bible says this in Rom 10:9-11 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. (10) For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (11) For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, if you never trusted in him. Do it today! The bible says that this is the day for salvation (II Cor 6:2). Just confess that you are a sinner, in need of a savior, and ask Jesus into your heart and save you from your sins, and the bible says that Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed! Only then can you be saved from your sins and have a relationship with the one true God. Only then can you be placed in the body of believers and be apart of the Bride of Christ.

So here we see that God has been involved in three marriages, One in the Garden of Eden, two in Cana, and three in the future events to come. There is something here I believe God is wanting us to pay attention too! Something Important!

I hope this has helped you understand the scope of this subject, and its importance. The next blog I will discuss a bit more of the references that are found in the bible that deal with this bridal imagery to help solidify the idea that this is a subject that needs further investigation. In closing let me leave you with these two quotes on this subject.

Though unfortunately neglected, some who have been careful to examine the significance of the bride image have found it to be extremely revealing. Claude Chavasse, regretting that the bride image has been “shouldered into obscurity, ”believes that it is the key to the treasure-house of the church” (The bride of Christ London: The religious book Club, 1939). The apostle Paul said this, which I feel is quite interesting as well (Eph 5:32) This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church. The Bride of Christ is a subject that I believe is a Great mystery shouldered into obscurity!

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to write me at

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